You can make a Stone Soup at ABA Conference

This project is designed to engage younger people in our field and the Section.  If you see them at the conference, please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.  You will be able to recognize them as they will have special ribbons on their nametags

Stone Soup: How to make the most in a Continuing Education Program

I think that one of the best questions is about the problems that participants experience in their work.  This is a great question to ask at the beginning of a program because it can help presenters relate the material throughout the event to participants’ own experiences.  

Difficult Conversations in the Modern Era of (anti-) Social Media

Virtually everyone in our field knows about the wonderful book, Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most, by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen.  It focuses on everyday conversations and not just crystalized disputes. 

World Mediation Congress and Annual International Law School Mediation Tournament

Join us in Chicago for an international forum to exchange ideas among experienced mediators and advocates practicing in all areas of mediation including family, commercial, tort, community, employment and international mediation.  

Hunt ADR recognised as Mediator Training Provider by The Civil Mediation Council

The full course will include pragmatic steps to help delegates towards being a practising mediator, with a carefully blended programme of theory and role playing to develop and apply all the relevant skills needed to be a successful mediator. CPD will be open to all with the additional development of the “CPD Club”, which provides member mediators with a variety of events tailored to achieve CMC CPD points to allow them to continue to practice under the CMC banner.

Tim Hedeen: Good and Easy Class Exercise

OFOI Tim Hedeen described the following class exercise about the nature of negotiation, which can easily be adapted in many ways.  (If you want to give students even more of a run for their money, you might assign students to read the short piece on the definition of negotiation that Andrea Schneider, Noam Ebner, David Matz, and I wrote).

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