Out of Court Settlements: The Four Types

Out of Court Settlements

Out-of-court settlements are becoming a common goal in a variety of disputes.  Due to the amount of time and energy that is required to take a dispute through litigation, many businesses, and parties, in general, are turning to alternative dispute resolution to keep issues out of the courts.  But many people are unaware of the …

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When is Divorce Mediation Not Recommended?

when is divorce mediation not recommended

While mediation can be a cost-effective and private process to resolve your divorce, there are times when divorce mediation is not recommended. When a couple is breaking up, they must navigate the divorce process if they are married. Traditional divorce proceedings can be a long and arduous experience, so many couples will opt to use …

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10 Best Mediation Books of All Time

Top 10 Mediation Books of All Time

Mediation is a topic with profound implications. Therefore, it is imperative to understand how the mediation process works and how it can benefit a person’s life. Two loved ones quarreling can be complicated, but even something as simple as two coworkers arguing can be challenging to deal with daily. Hence, learning meditation skills can profoundly …

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Understanding the Role of Mediation Attorney

The Role of Civil Litigation Attorneys

What does a mediation attorney do? Almost everyone has been a mediator. It’s true. You have been a mediator if you have stepped into a dispute that had nothing to do with you and tried to help friends, family members, neighbors, or coworkers resolve their differences. The custom of using a respected elder to help …

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How to Become a Mediator in NY

If you’re interested in helping people resolve conflicts and navigate difficult situations, a career as a mediator could be perfect for you. Alternative dispute resolution is a popular option for people who want to avoid the court system. In the state of New York, there are several paths to becoming a mediator. Here’s a step-by-step …

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How to Become a Mediator in Georgia

Interested in learning how to become a mediator in Georgia? The difficulty of identifying the steps to become a mediator within a state bar or program is often a reason that qualified and skilled mediators are unable to participate in mediation within a state. For this reason, ADR Times has created a series on becoming …

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Mediation in a Personal Injury Settlement

Mediation in a Personal Injury Settlement

This article provides an overview of mediation in personal injury settlement and the pros and cons of using mediation to resolve a personal injury dispute.  We will examine the usefulness of the process and consider the benefits that make it a valuable option to settle a personal injury case. The process can often feel overwhelming …

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ADR Careers in Conflict Resolution: A Guide

Conflict resolution jobs

Because conflict is a part of daily life, many people are starting to see the value of creating careers in conflict resolution to resolve conflicts within the workplace and other situations.  The prevalence of alternative dispute resolution and other forms of conflict resolution has also encouraged the creation of conflict resolution degrees and specialties across …

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