Legitimate Power: What You Need to Know

legitimate power

The power dynamics within organizations and groups are often complex and interwoven into the fabric of daily operations; legitimate power stands as a beacon of authority and structure.  Rooted deeply in the organizational hierarchy, legitimate power offers a framework through which leaders and managers exercise control and influence over their teams. We can point to …

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Power Imbalance: How Factoring in Power Works

Imbalance of Power

The factors that contribute to power imbalance are often complex and difficult to notice daily, but over time, they contribute to an unhealthy dynamic if they are not addressed.  Imbalances of power can be found in every relationship, from our most vulnerable and trusted relationships with partners and best friends to workplaces or even in …

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Understanding the Fraud Triangle: A Deep Dive

Fraud Triangle

Developed by criminologist Donald Cressey, the Fraud Triangle provides a framework to understand the factors that lead individuals to commit fraudulent acts.  In the world of forensic accounting and criminology, one theory stands out as a reliable tool for understanding why people commit fraud. It’s known as the Fraud Triangle. Whether it is occupational fraud …

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Object to the Form

Objecting to Form

Attorneys participating in a deposition with their client will often encounter an object to the form.  They can either be the person using the objection or the person explaining the question, but the objection is likely to find its way into the deposition, as there will likely be at least one question asked that an …

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How to Detect & Prevent Corporate Espionage

Corporate Espionage

Corporate espionage is defined as stealing proprietary information, trade secrets, or intellectual property from a business and selling it to another. When we think of spies and espionage, we do not immediately think of a disgruntled worker selling the formula for a product to another company. However, this form of espionage is one of the …

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Finding the Best Mediation Jobs Opportunities

Mediation Jobs

You have your certificate, now you’ve started your search for mediation jobs. Where do you start this process? This article will help you understand a mediator’s role and responsibilities, prepare you for the work environment and equal opportunity employer, and give you some tools to make your job search easy and successful. What Training Do …

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Meaning of Confrontational in Dispute Resolution

Confrontational meaning

When learning about conflict and dispute resolution, it can be difficult to understand the definition of “confrontational.”  Everyone will have their own idea of what confrontation is and its uses. Some negative, and some positive. Defining the term “confrontational” can be difficult but thinking about the basic characteristics that are present in a confrontational interaction …

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Defining Partiality: Recognize it When You See it

Defining Partiality

How can we truly go about defining partiality? Partiality is the unfair bias that we display for ourselves and other people with whom we stand in some personal relationships. It still remains a central theme in philosophy, as well as in practice, particularly the legal practice. Within the alternative dispute resolution sphere, the word partiality, …

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Limits of Confidentiality

limits of confidentiality

While many of the legal and other professional fields love to highlight the benefits of confidentiality, many of them fail to point out the limits of confidentiality.  Understanding these limits is a vital aspect of sharing your information and keeping your information confidential. Without a clear understanding of when confidentiality will not apply and confidentiality …

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Privacy vs Confidentiality: What is the Difference?

Privacy vs Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are words that are used often and interchangeably in the legal and dispute resolution world, yet there are key differences between the terms that are important to understand.  Just what these differences are and how they affect information is a concept that is sometimes overlooked when engaging in a legal dispute.  Many legal and alternative dispute …

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