How To Become a Divorce Mediator: A Brief Guide

Even under the best circumstances, ending a marriage is an emotional and overwhelming experience; for those interested in helping others during this life-altering event, learning how to become a divorce mediator may be the right career path. Divorce is an ever-constant reality in our society, which is why when people think about mediation, most of them presume divorce mediation.

Mediation services has become a worthwhile venture for many families facing divorce because it helps the parties resolve their disputes without litigation and with more speed than the traditional court system.

With mediation quickly becoming one of the most popular conflict resolution programs for divorce, there is a growing need for divorce mediators. For aspiring mediators, divorce mediation can be a rewarding career as it helps guide families through painful and emotional conflict and toward dispute resolution. However, how to become a mediator who handles divorce is often unclear.

This article will outline how to become a divorce mediator and share tips and tricks to ease the process.

The Role of the Mediator in Divorce Mediation

Before deciding to become a mediator, one should consider the role of the mediator in divorce and determine if it is a good fit for them. Mediators, in general, help facilitate communication and work with the parties to find a solution everyone can agree on.

A mediator is like a guide through the negotiation process between the parties, remaining neutral and letting the couple guide the process, yet noticing and addressing anything that may be standing in the way of the parties resolving. The mediator is neutral and cannot influence the parties’ decisions for their benefit.

The mediation context, or the basis for the mediation, adds roles and skills that the mediator must have. In divorce mediation, the mediator must use their communication skills and experience with dispute resolution and emotional regulation to address the emotions and huge life decisions in a divorce. Many divorce mediators will also have experience in social work or other therapeutic vocations, while other mediators will have a financial background to handle the financial aspect of it.

Others will be attorneys who practice divorce-related law and make the leap. Regardless of where one starts, becoming a mediator and guiding parties toward conflict resolution is possible.

Earn a Degree (Or Two Degrees)

The first step to becoming a divorce mediator is to earn at least a bachelor’s degree, as many state mediator certification requirements state that a bachelor’s degree is necessary for either their practice or to be added to court rosters. For someone without a bachelor’s degree, choose a degree related to family law, such as social work. Psychology or interpersonal finance may also be helpful when wanting to become a divorce mediator.

These degrees are not necessary, but they can be helpful to provide experience with the intense and often combative aura of divorce mediation.

Consider a Master’s or Law Degree

For those seeking a graduate degree, a master’s or juris doctor degree may be a good solution. Law school may be a great next step if you want to practice law and meditate. Additionally, some schools will offer a degree in legal studies. Both legal studies and a law degree will teach students the ins and outs of the general district court and the judicial system.

They will learn how some states have different divisions and names for a similar system, such as circuit court civil and family law divisions. Finally, they will learn how civil cases move from the circuit courts to the state’s supreme court on appeal. Understanding the court system and court procedures can be incredibly beneficial for a mediator to give adequate instruction on what could happen next if a case does not settle.

In addition to law school, some family mediators will pursue master’s degrees in social work or psychology, hoping to further their ability to hold and receive emotions and hard situations from the parties. These degrees and courses will teach you invaluable mediation skills that will come in handy down the line.

Complete Basic Mediation Training

The next step is completing a basic mediation training program on divorce mediation. Divorce mediation training is offered through various programs, both online and in person. To meet the requirements to be certified according to many state standards, a mediator must complete at least 40 hours of basic mediation training.

Approved Mediation Training Program

Divorce mediators often undergo a specific mediation training program for family disputes. Each state or county will have its standards for completing a mediation training course to become a certified family mediator. Each state has its court-certified mediator qualification requirements. States with official court mediator rosters usually require between 20 and 40 hours of approved mediation training. However, participating in approved mediation training will ensure aspiring mediators become professional mediators when they complete their training. When researching mediation training, consider the area or industry in which you hope to practice mediation.

Special Family Law Considerations

Other considerations when deciding to become a mediator are the different aspects of family law that set it apart from other areas of law and mediation. Most commercial mediators will not handle child custody cases, order family counseling, or have a professional background that can handle domestic abuse and domestic violence as it presents in mediation.

Family law mediation’s specific issues differ greatly from alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, and divorce mediators must be prepared to handle these issues. This is why specialized mediation training is vital to becoming a mediator.

Child custody is a challenging type of mediation because it will often involve the emotions of both parents, possibly new partners, and the children. Because of the trauma and difficulty of the decisions in this case, many courts will have a roster of court-approved mediators who will handle these cases and understand the difficulty of this mediation.

Some places will even have a dispute resolution center that handles the issues surrounding divorce and domestic abuse through mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution. These centers can be excellent for gaining experience in mediating disputes, especially under the watchful eye of the professional mediators who work in those centers.

Practice Mediation Skills

After completing their basic training, mediators must gain mediation experience in family law divorce cases. One of the best ways for aspiring mediators to gain experience is to work on divorce mediation with experienced mediators. Almost all states will require a mediator to practice with experienced mediators on at least two cases before the court, allowing them to become a mediator on the court-referred mediator list.

Observe Mediation Sessions or Become a Volunteer Mediator 

Those wishing to begin their mediation career can also contact local divorce mediators and ask to observe mediation. Some counties or states will let new mediators work with a professional mediator to gain experience through cases referred from the domestic relations district court or other family law courts.

Observing mediation, the new mediators will gain experience and knowledge about the process. Eventually, they can co-mediate disputes and help resolve the cases. By co-mediating a dispute, a new mediator will learn the skills necessary to meet the mediation experience requirements.

Start a Practice or Join an Organization

After their mediation training and mentoring, a new mediator is ready to take on clients for mediation. This can be daunting, as word of mouth often concurs with family law and mediation. Those hoping to start a mediation practice can do so by taking on mediation from the courts or their neighbors and showing off their mediation training and skills to the parties and attorneys in the case.

The more people are pleased with the process, the more likely clients will appear.

By participating in court lists, a new mediator can get cases sent to them without much work; however, court-referred cases alone will likely not be enough to sustain a mediation practice, and marketing and networking will be essential.

There are also local, state and national professional programs that a new mediator can join that will refer cases and place their stamp of approval on certain mediators. This can be a great way to grow a client base within an area, but it can be expensive to join and maintain membership, so an evaluation of the cost will likely be necessary.

Continuing Mediation Education and Training

Many states also require continuing education for their mediators. Continuing education seminars are sessions where mediators learn about new laws or developments that may impact their practice. These seminars are also often fantastic networking sessions, gathering people eager to learn about a specific mediation or alternative dispute resolution area.

Taking the First Step

To become a mediator in family law or divorce, you can sign up for mediation training today. For those who enjoy helping others and solving complex problems for others, divorce mediation may be a great career option. Alternate dispute resolution and mediation is an exciting and rewarding field. And the mediation skills you gain can be transferred to all other fields and industries.

To learn more about how to become a divorce mediator, mediator training, and more, contact ADR Times today!

Emily Holland
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