Disentangling Sunk Cost Fallacy Relationships

Sunk Cost Fallacy Relationships

We’ve all been there, and “there” means in a relationship with a sunk cost fallacy. Many people feel an overwhelming loss at the end of a relationship, responding not only to the loss of the experience but also to the loss of all the time, energy, and memories that were a part of that experience with the …

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Lesbian Divorce Rate 2025: A Closer Look

Lesbian Divorce Rate

Same-sex divorce marriage rates are on the rise, particularly lesbian divorce rates. The rise in same-sex marriage and divorce rates can be attributed to the progress made in marriage equality over recent years. Most people are not thinking about the breakdown of a marriage when it begins, yet unfortunately, many marriages end in divorce according …

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How Much Do Insurance Adjusters Make in 2025?

how much do insurance adjusters make in 2024

This article will examine how much insurance adjusters make and the factors affecting their salary. If you are considering a career in the insurance field or switching from another industry, it is essential to know what an insurance adjuster makes on average. This information can be helpful both to determine whether the industry is the …

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When Does Decision Making Become More Complex?

When Does Decision Making Become More Complex

There are rare instances when decision-making becomes more complex. We make thousands of tiny daily decisions, from what to eat to what to wear or which route to take home from work. Yet some decisions are more complex and involve many other factors that can interfere with our ability to decide. The complex decisions include …

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What is Commercial Impracticability?

Implied Contracts

Commercial impracticability may be a term that is most commonly discussed in law school classrooms and cases revolving around a contract claim.  The term is not discussed frequently outside of the people that deal with it daily, but it can be an important term to know when faced with a contract that has been influenced …

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How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Settlement Money

How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Settlement Money

The first step in understanding how to avoid paying taxes on settlement money by correctly structuring your settlement agreement is understanding what kinds of settlement payments may be considered taxable income. When you finalize an agreement with the other party in a lawsuit, it can be a massive relief knowing that you will be fairly …

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When is Divorce Mediation Not Recommended?

when is divorce mediation not recommended

While mediation can be a cost-effective and private process to resolve your divorce, there are times when divorce mediation is not recommended. When a couple is breaking up, they must navigate the divorce process if they are married. Traditional divorce proceedings can be a long and arduous experience, so many couples will opt to use …

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Living Trust vs Will: What’s the Difference?

living trust vs will

Understanding the difference between a living trust and a will is crucial. Nobody wants to think about what will happen after they pass away, but it’s critical to be ready for it on paper. To prepare your family and friends properly for the unexpected, you will likely need to have a plan in place. Understanding …

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14 Home Insurance Claim Adjuster Secret Tactics

home insurance claim adjuster secret tactics

This article will examine how insurance adjusters approach the claims process and how you can watch out for their secret tactics to minimize payouts. We will briefly discuss the role of insurance adjusters in an insurance company and the company’s overall goal. We will then outline fourteen tactics that a home insurance claim adjuster may …

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