How to settle a dispute without going to court

How to settle a dispute without going to court

As parties are preparing for trials or hearings, they may be wondering how to settle a dispute without going to court. A trial can be costly, and the outcome of a trial is never guaranteed, even with some great evidence and a fantastic lawyer.  Resolving a dispute outside of court can give the parties control …

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Top 50 ADR Blawgs to Follow

ADR Blawgs

In the third installment in our series on ADR resources, we focus on the top ADR blawgs (law blogs) to follow.  Blogging has become a way for organizations, law firms, and individual practitioners to share research, ideas, stories, and advice with other people around the world.  Many people have turned to blogs to find a …

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Fact Finding Arbitration

Fact-Finding Arbitration

The year 1619 marked the first strike on American soil. It occurred in the Jamestown colony of what is now Virginia, and was then an English colony. Shipyard workers who were denied the vote because they were not of English descent refused to work.  Jamestown Company officials bowed to the pressure and work resumed. Despite …

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Types of Conciliation: Which One Would Work for You?

Types of Conciliation

The types of conciliation can be overwhelming and confusing to sort through to find the best process for a given dispute.  Parties have to evaluate whether arbitration, mediation, conciliation, or facilitation would fit best to resolve a dispute between the parties, and then the parties also have to prepare for the process that they choose.  …

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What is a Conciliation Hearing?

conciliation hearing

A conciliation hearing is typically a hearing that happens in a court called Conciliation Court.  Many states have a court that they send claims under a certain value to that removes much of the procedure and time that a regular court proceeding requires to resolve smaller disputes more productively.  In some places, this is called …

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Environmental Litigation: Natural Resources Laws

In this article, we discuss the importance of environmental litigation and its effect on society. It was the spring of 1971. Then in second grade, this author saw a short film in school about air and water pollution.  Horrified at what seemed to be our inescapable doom, I typed my first letter. In three or …

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ADR Resources

The ABCs of ADR The most comprehensive glossary of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) terminology online. If we missed any terms, please let us know. ADR Help We’re ADR matchmakers… and have a knack for pairing up parties in conflict with qualified mediators and/or arbitrators. Get expert help today! ADR Blog As a trusted source of …

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Early Neutral Evaluation: Encouraging Settlement and Understanding

Early Neutral Evaluation

Occasionally, a court will recommend an early neutral evaluation shortly after a case has been filed.  Courts will usually recommend this when they believe an evaluation may help the parties accurately see their positions compared to the other party’s and potentially think about a settlement.   Sometimes, a court will recommend the case to early …

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