How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Settlement Money

How to Avoid Paying Taxes on Settlement Money

The first step in understanding how to avoid paying taxes on settlement money by correctly structuring your settlement agreement is understanding what kinds of settlement payments may be considered taxable income. When you finalize an agreement with the other party in a lawsuit, it can be a massive relief knowing that you will be fairly …

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What Does a Claim Adjuster Do? A Closer Look

What Does a Claim Adjuster Do

In the intricate world of insurance, claim adjusters play a pivotal role, but what exactly do insurance claims adjusters do? A claims adjuster is a professional who ensures that settling insurance claims is conducted fairly and efficiently. This informational blog post delves into their responsibilities, skills, and day-to-day activities, shedding light on this crucial profession …

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How Long Does Arbitration Take? A Closer Look

How long does arbitration take

Because arbitration, including car accident arbitration, is often touted as a cheaper and quicker resolution compared to litigation, curious minds may wonder how long arbitration takes. While many proponents of arbitration state that it often moves more quickly than litigation, critics state that it can be just as long as traditional litigation in the court …

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Mediation in a Personal Injury Settlement

Mediation in a Personal Injury Settlement

This article provides an overview of mediation in personal injury settlement and the pros and cons of using mediation to resolve a personal injury dispute.  We will examine the usefulness of the process and consider the benefits that make it a valuable option to settle a personal injury case. The process can often feel overwhelming …

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Can Text Messages be Used in Court? A Close Look

Can Text Messages be Used in Court?

Can text messages be used in court as evidence? More documents are created electronically than in any other fashion.  Electronic devices are everywhere. Office computers, personal computers, laptops, tablets, phones, personal electronic assistants, video doorbells, and even some cars, televisions, and refrigerators can generate, transmit, and store numerous amounts of data, including text messages.  Many …

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Mediation Opening Statement: A Full Checklist

A Checklist for Mediation Opening Statements

Opening statements in mediation set the tone for the rest of the process. They open the mediation and begin the conciliatory process. The mediator and parties can set the stage for what they hope to accomplish and how they see the issues. Preparing can feel overwhelming because opening statements hold so much power for everyone involved. Having …

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Understanding Procedural Justice: An Analysis

procedural justice

Legal authorities and law enforcement agencies should familiarize themselves with procedural justice theory as they strive to deliver public safety and assist crime victims procedurally fairly. In our complex and fast-paced world, justice takes on many shades, extending beyond the simple bounds of right or wrong. One key aspect of this multifaceted principle is procedural …

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