Understanding the Business Litigation Process

business litigation

Business litigation involves presenting issues with business and corporate entities to the courts and arguing for business entities in court. Various topics may be the subject of business litigation, and many business litigation lawyers are experts in one of these areas. These litigation disputes can be incredibly complex and take time to complete. Understanding business …

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Out of Court Settlements: The Four Types

Out of Court Settlements

Out-of-court settlements are becoming a common goal in a variety of disputes.  Due to the amount of time and energy that is required to take a dispute through litigation, many businesses, and parties, in general, are turning to alternative dispute resolution to keep issues out of the courts.  But many people are unaware of the …

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Counterclaims Examples Explained

Understanding Counterclaims Examples

Exploring counterclaim examples can be beneficial in helping a party understand what issues they can raise against someone who has brought a civil lawsuit against them and how they may try and recover against the same party.  It can also help a party understand when they may have to bring the counterclaim at that time, …

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How Long Does Arbitration Take? A Closer Look

How long does arbitration take

Because arbitration, including car accident arbitration, is often touted as a cheaper and quicker resolution compared to litigation, curious minds may wonder how long arbitration takes. While many proponents of arbitration state that it often moves more quickly than litigation, critics state that it can be just as long as traditional litigation in the court …

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California Arbitration Act & It’s Importance

California Arbitration Act

Any arbitration in California must comply with the California Arbitration Act, which regulates private arbitration in California and is intended to create and streamline the state arbitration process. Specific provisions of the law have caused controversy, and a lawsuit is pending to determine whether provisions involving mandatory arbitration agreements should be honored. Still, the Act …

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A Notice of Arbitration: What You Should Know

Arbitration Notice

The first step in arbitration is generally serving the parties (and filing with the arbitration provider) a Notice of Arbitration. However, depending on the provisions of the contractual arbitration clause, the applicable arbitration rules, or legal authority, another document, such as a Notice of Appointment of Arbitrator(s), may begin the arbitration proceedings. But what must …

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A Predispute Arbitration Clause Explained

predispute arbitration clause

Agreeing to arbitration before a dispute: most signed contracts have predispute arbitration clauses.  Businesses and companies have been implementing arbitration to resolve disputes outside traditional litigation.  It creates a space for parties to resolve conflicts confidently and efficiently while still issuing binding decisions for the parties to follow. As the popularity of arbitration has grown, so …

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Mediation Tips and Tricks: Top 5 Tips

Mediation Tips and Tricks

Are you looking for mediation tips and tricks that work? America has a well-deserved reputation as the most litigious society in the world. Culturally, there is a significant focus on vindicating rights, winning, and competition as ends in themselves. While involvement in litigation is viewed as shameful in some societies, Americans generally view it as …

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Should I Sign An Arbitration Agreement? A Guide

Should I sign an arbitration agreement

If you have ever signed a contract, you have probably asked, “Should I sign an arbitration agreement?”  The most common place people may see an arbitration agreement that gives them pause is an employment agreement.  Many companies have begun to include arbitration agreements in their contracts with employees because it may make dispute resolution cheaper …

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