Early Neutral Evaluation: Encouraging Settlement and Understanding

Early Neutral Evaluation

Occasionally, a court will recommend an early neutral evaluation shortly after a case has been filed.  Courts will usually recommend this when they believe an evaluation may help the parties accurately see their positions compared to the other party’s and potentially think about a settlement.   Sometimes, a court will recommend the case to early …

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Binding Effect in Arbitration Agreements (Part II of III)

binding effect

By Hon. Henry Pitman (Ret.) Continued from Part I of III… Binding Effect of an Arbitral Decision Ninety-Five Madison Co. v. Vitra Int’l AG, No. 20-1432, 2020 WL 7086186 (2d Cir. Dec. 4, 2020) (summary order): A Landlord and a commercial tenant entered into a settlement agreement in which the landlord approved the tenant’s making …

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Second Circuit Arbitral Award: 2020 in Review (Part I of III)

By Hon. Henry Pitman (Ret.) Regardless of whether one is a proponent or opponent of mandatory arbitration clauses, they have become ubiquitous. According to a March 2015 study performed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 53% of credit card agreements and 99.9% of all mobile phone agreements contain mandatory arbitration provisions (Consumer Fin. Prot. Bureau, …

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Top 10 Best Arbitration Books Every Arbitrator Should Read

Best Arbitration Books

Arbitration is a process whereby impartial adjudicators – arbitrators, resolve a clash between individuals or groups. The decisions or the arbitral awards that the adjudicator arrives at, are final and binding on the parties. In contrast to mediation where the mediator facilitates negotiations between parties; in arbitration, the neutral arbitrator(s) has the authority to make a binding decision about the dispute. Whether you’re a student of dispute resolution, or the law, a practitioner, or a party to a dispute, there are plenty of books available to learn more about arbitration. 

Anger Masks Emotions in Mediation

Anger Masks Emotions in Mediation

Famed psychologist Paul Ekman calls anger one of the six basic emotions. He notes that its expression is universal across cultures. Even as infants, we instinctively recognize and react to its presence in those around us. According to Ekman, anger originates when an important goal is frustrated, or someone tries to hurt us or someone we feel responsible for, physically or psychologically. Under this definition, anger is a response to threatening external stimuli, which is often accompanied by a desire to hurt the source of the anger producing events.

The Power of Finding and Using a BATNA & WATNA (Part 3 of 3)


…Continued from Part 2: In previous articles, we’ve discussed what a BATNA and a WATNA are, the purpose of identifying a BATNA and WATNA, some possible alternatives to consider, and two analyses that parties can use to identify their BATNA and WATNA.  This article will discuss the strategies that a mediator may use to help …

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The Power of Finding and Using a BATNA & WATNA (Part 2 of 3)


…Continued from Part 1: Back to discovering and using what the negotiation world calls a BATNA and WATNA, this article will continue to move through an analysis to help the parties discover the alternatives that will drive how they negotiate and settle a dispute.  The previous article discussed the importance of moving through a BATNA/WATNA …

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