Understanding the Stages of Conflict: A Guide

stages of conflict

Recognizing and understanding the stages of conflict can help you manage and resolve disputes more effectively in your professional and personal lives. Conflict is inevitable in human interactions, whether in personal relationships, workplaces, or larger social environments.  This informational post will delve into the typical stages of conflict, offering insights and strategies for each phase. …

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Understanding the Business Litigation Process

business litigation

Business litigation involves presenting issues with business and corporate entities to the courts and arguing for business entities in court. Various topics may be the subject of business litigation, and many business litigation lawyers are experts in one of these areas. These litigation disputes can be incredibly complex and take time to complete. Understanding business …

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Out of Court Settlements: The Four Types

Out of Court Settlements

Out-of-court settlements are becoming a common goal in a variety of disputes.  Due to the amount of time and energy that is required to take a dispute through litigation, many businesses, and parties, in general, are turning to alternative dispute resolution to keep issues out of the courts.  But many people are unaware of the …

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What is Commercial Impracticability?

Implied Contracts

Commercial impracticability may be a term that is most commonly discussed in law school classrooms and cases revolving around a contract claim.  The term is not discussed frequently outside of the people that deal with it daily, but it can be an important term to know when faced with a contract that has been influenced …

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Counterclaims Examples Explained

Understanding Counterclaims Examples

Exploring counterclaim examples can be beneficial in helping a party understand what issues they can raise against someone who has brought a civil lawsuit against them and how they may try and recover against the same party.  It can also help a party understand when they may have to bring the counterclaim at that time, …

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When is Divorce Mediation Not Recommended?

when is divorce mediation not recommended

While mediation can be a cost-effective and private process to resolve your divorce, there are times when divorce mediation is not recommended. When a couple is breaking up, they must navigate the divorce process if they are married. Traditional divorce proceedings can be a long and arduous experience, so many couples will opt to use …

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Interpersonal vs Intrapersonal Communication

Interpersonal vs Intrapersonal Communication

Understanding the differences between interpersonal vs. intrapersonal communication is essential for developing self-awareness and strong relationship and communication skills. Communication is an integral part of human existence. It is the process through which we express our thoughts, ideas, and feelings to others. There are many forms of communication, but in this post, we’ll delve deep …

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Understanding & Resolving Situational Conflict

Situational Conflict

Situational conflict will affect everyone at some point in their life, and learning how to identify, deal with, and resolve conflict can be beneficial for everyone. This article will define conflict and situational conflict as thoroughly as possible given the wide range of definitions. Many of us try to avoid conflict at all costs, including changing …

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ADR Careers in Conflict Resolution: A Guide

Conflict resolution jobs

Because conflict is a part of daily life, many people are starting to see the value of creating careers in conflict resolution to resolve conflicts within the workplace and other situations.  The prevalence of alternative dispute resolution and other forms of conflict resolution has also encouraged the creation of conflict resolution degrees and specialties across …

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Most Common Conflict Examples You Should Know

Conflict Examples

This blog post will delve into common conflict examples, providing detailed samples to help you better understand their nature and implications. Understanding the different examples of conflict is vital to successful conflict resolution. Conflict is an integral part of life. It is a natural occurrence that arises from differing interests, values, or perspectives. Though it …

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