Mediation Confidentiality and its Jurisdictional Challenges

Mediation Confidentiality & Jurisdictional Challenges

By Scott B. Garner, Shawn M. Kennedy A. Introduction Any lawyer who has taken a case to mediation knows – at least in some vague, general way – that settlement discussions occurring during the mediation enjoy some level of confidentiality protection. Mediators themselves, of course, may have some greater understanding of what is and is …

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Game Theory, Negotiation, and the “Black Box”

Game Theory, Negotiation, and the "Black Box"

James F. Ring and some colleagues gave a fascinating talk at the recent ABA Dispute Resolution Section on Game Theory; Where it started was cutting a cake; Where it ended was cutting out the lawyers, at least by implication.

Passing of the Torch RBG – Who Will Dissent?

Passing of the Torch Ginsberg

On Friday, September 18, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away at age 87 (1933-2020). I was still working (remotely) when I heard the news. The group texts began to slowly roll in. The news alerts started popping up on my phone. A friend called and we commemorated the life of “Notorious RBG” and …

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Supreme Court’s Grant of Cert Will Examine Difference Between “Arbitrability” and “Jurisdiction”

One of the issues before the Court is particularly interesting:  Whether a delegation clause vesting in an arbitrator questions of arbitrability of a claim has the effect of removing from a court any power to determine whether the court has jurisdiction to grant a motion to compel arbitration.

Use of JAMS Rules Constitutes Clear and Unmistakable Delegation of Arbitrability to Arbitrator

JAMS Rule 11(b) provides: “Jurisdictional and arbitrability disputes, including disputes over the formation, existence, validity, interpretation or scope of the agreement under which Arbitration is sought ? shall be submitted to and ruled on by the Arbitrator.

Metrics on Arbitration Efficiency

The current issue of New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer — really a very good publication of the New York State Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Section — includes a brief article by Roy Weinstein of the economic research and consulting firm Micronomics.  

Special ADR Event at New York Law School November 15

The James F. Henry Speaker Series at New York Law School’s ADR Skills Program will offer its third event of the year on Wednesday, November 15, 2017, when CPR President Noah Hanft joins panelists Greg Gallopoulos (GC of General Dynamics) and Prof. Joan Stearns Johnsen to discuss how vital commercial contracts are “Built to Last.”

Singapore: The Hub of International Commercial Dispute Resolution

The Union Internationale des Avocats held its 24th World Forum of Mediation Centres in Singapore on October 13-14.  In addition to the usual high level of discourse and the unparalleled opportunity to meet new friends and keep the old, this particular Forum offered the additional opportunity to reassess the extraordinary richness of Singapore as a world center for international commerce and commercial dispute resolution.

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