International NDA: All You Need to Know

international NDA

In our international world, there may come a time when two parties need to create an international nondisclosure agreement or NDA.  This scenario may arise for a variety of reasons, but when it does, the parties want to ensure that their information and understanding stays between them.  When this is the case, the parties may …

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Arbitration Panels: Advantages and Disadvantages

Arbitration Panel

Undoubtedly, most arbitration agreements call for a single arbitrator.  But some agreements call for a panel of three sometimes called a tripartite panel.  The tripartite arbitration panel is not a new concept. President George Washington will reportedly be called for the appointment of a three-arbitrator panel in the event of a dispute about his estate. …

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Conciliatory Policy. What is a Conciliatory Approach?

IBA International Arbitration

More businesses, schools, and governments have begun to adopt a conciliatory policy when evaluating and creating their conflict resolution processes.  Yet many people that follow and interact with these processes do not fully understand the term conciliatory and how it affects the dispute resolution process.  For some people, a conciliatory process may feel fresh and …

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Conflict Management vs Conflict Resolution

Conflict Management vs Conflict Resolution

When people are in conflict, they can choose either conflict resolution or conflict management.  While some people see the two options as the same, they are actually different processes that can shape the way conflict is dealt with and if it is resolved.  The two processes have different objectives and will often achieve different outcomes …

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