When is Divorce Mediation Not Recommended?

when is divorce mediation not recommended

While mediation can be a cost-effective and private process to resolve your divorce, there are times when divorce mediation is not recommended. When a couple is breaking up, they must navigate the divorce process if they are married. Traditional divorce proceedings can be a long and arduous experience, so many couples will opt to use …

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Divorce Mediation Attorney: How They Can Help

divorce mediation attorney

Individuals starting the mediation process may often hire a divorce mediation attorney to coach and advise them. The traditional divorce process can be overwhelming for a divorcing couple to navigate. Litigated divorce can be expensive as the couple fights over child custody, child and spousal support, and other financial implications through divorce lawyers. For this …

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Divorce Mediation: What You Need to Know

Divorce mediation is an excellent alternative to battling out in court. When divorcing spouses begin separating their lives from one another, they often need to consider many questions and decisions that can be overwhelming, even for the most prepared. The traditional divorce process of court hearings and bickering may not feel worth it for the …

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Separation Mediation: A Detailed Guide

Separation Mediation

When parties are considering using mediation to help them separate effectively, they may wonder how to prepare for separation mediation effectively.  For some, they may not even know what mediation entails, and they will have no idea how mediation will work for them.  Mediation is a commonly used practice, especially in family law matters, yet …

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Mediator vs Lawyer: Finding the Best Fit

Mediator vs Lawyer

One of the biggest confusions is whether hiring a divorce mediator or lawyer is the best option. While this decision is just the beginning of the process, understanding the options and making the right call can impact the outcome for everyone involved. This article will explore the roles of divorce attorneys and mediators to help …

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Emancipation in California: What You Need to Know

Emancipation in California

Emancipation in California is done through a comprehensive step-by-step process. In this article, we will describe the ways a minor can ask the courts to become legally emancipated and the ways that automatically grant a declaration of emancipation. What is the Emancipation of a Minor? Emancipation of a minor (CA Fam Code section 7002) refers …

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Bird Nesting Divorce: The Shuttle Parenting

Bird Nesting Divorce

Bird nesting divorce is a way that couples have sought to lessen the effects of divorce on their children.  Divorce is often a time of stress and change for both the couple and their children.  Often one of the changes that the couple needs to grow into is the separate living situations, which can often …

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Unmarried Couple with Child Splitting Up

Unmarried Couple with Child Splitting Up

Determining custody for an unmarried couple with a child splitting up requires a lot of consideration. In some ways, when an unmarried couple separates, the process is simpler than it is for married couples. A divorcing married couple has to separate their assets and property and has to inform the court of each of the …

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Example of Parenting Plan: What Parents Need to Know

Example of Parenting Plan

A parenting plan is an a critical part of co-parenting that lays out how parents will raise their child or children. Parenting is a journey that requires careful planning, understanding, and cooperation, especially when parents are separated or divorced. But what exactly is a parenting plan, and why is it needed? This post will explain what …

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Earn Your Mediator Certification Online

Mediator Certification Online

For those looking to begin a career in dispute resolution or hoping to become a professional mediator, the first step is often looking at the options to earn a mediator certification online. Mediation certification is not regulated by most states, so it can often be difficult to determine what mediation certification is the correct one …

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