Understanding & Resolving Situational Conflict

Situational Conflict

Situational conflict will affect everyone at some point in their life, and learning how to identify, deal with, and resolve conflict can be beneficial for everyone. This article will define conflict and situational conflict as thoroughly as possible given the wide range of definitions. Many of us try to avoid conflict at all costs, including changing …

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Common Types of Conflict: A Comprehensive Guide

Types of Conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, and there are many types of conflict that we experience throughout our daily lives. They can manifest in our relationships, professional interactions, or even within ourselves as we grapple with internal dilemmas and desires. While internal conflict can often feel uncomfortable or distressing, it also presents opportunities for …

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Coercive Power: How it Impacts Your Employees

Coercive Power

Coercive power is a concept created by social psychologists John French and Bertram Raven, who defined the different types of social power used and how coercive power is used and abused in everyday life. Have you ever been threatened with a punishment if you did not complete a task? Maybe your parents told you that …

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Ineffective Communication Examples

Ineffective Communication

One of the best ways to learn about a topic is through examples; ineffective communication is no different. Unfortunately, many people struggle to identify ineffective communication because the examples they have been given are either too obvious, unhelpful, or so specific to a situation that they are not replicable in the real world. Because of …

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What is Conflict Coaching? A Detailed Guide

Conflict Coaching

When an individual is facing a conflict and struggling to deal with it, conflict coaching may be an excellent opportunity to learn about conflict resolution and master skills to make resolving the conflict a more ascertainable goal. Conflict coaching is a one-on-one experience where a professional works with an individual to help them manage and …

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25 Innovative Employee Engagement Ideas

Employee Engagement

Are you looking for employee engagement ideas? Do you want to keep your team inspired, motivated, and connected? Let’s explore innovative employee engagement ideas that directly address their needs while fueling your company’s success. This article delivers practical steps to enhance employee engagement, driving productivity and loyalty without overwhelming you with complexity. Key Takeaways Highly …

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Understanding the Avoiding Conflict Style

Avoiding Conflict Style

We deal with conflict daily and we encounter the avoiding conflict style daily. From workplace conflicts to family issues, conflicts, and conflict resolution are a large part of our daily life. When in the middle of conflict, the parties involved will often be working toward a mutually beneficial outcome and attempt to build mutual respect, …

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Emotional Abuse in the Workplace

Emotional abuse in the workplace

Emotional abuse in the workplace is a phenomenon that affects many workers around the world.  For those suffering from workplace abuse, life can become incredibly difficult or impossible, turning dream jobs into nightmares. Psychological abuse can be vicious because it can be difficult to detect if it is not blatant, much like adults may not understand …

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Scapegoat Theory: The Role of Prejudice

Scapegoat Theory

When blame is arbitrarily placed on a group, social psychology refers to this as the scapegoat theory or scapegoating. Throughout history, there have been examples of prejudice that has caused harm to targeted groups.  Scapegoating serves to remove the blame from oneself or society in general and place it on a more acceptable target in …

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