Understanding & Resolving Situational Conflict

Situational Conflict

Situational conflict will affect everyone at some point in their life, and learning how to identify, deal with, and resolve conflict can be beneficial for everyone. This article will define conflict and situational conflict as thoroughly as possible given the wide range of definitions. Many of us try to avoid conflict at all costs, including changing …

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Common Types of Conflict: A Comprehensive Guide

Types of Conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of life, and there are many types of conflict that we experience throughout our daily lives. They can manifest in our relationships, professional interactions, or even within ourselves as we grapple with internal dilemmas and desires. While internal conflict can often feel uncomfortable or distressing, it also presents opportunities for …

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Coercive Power: How it Impacts Your Employees

Coercive Power

Coercive power is a concept created by social psychologists John French and Bertram Raven, who defined the different types of social power used and how coercive power is used and abused in everyday life. Have you ever been threatened with a punishment if you did not complete a task? Maybe your parents told you that …

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Hard Skills Vs. Soft Skills: Shaping Your Career

hard skills vs. soft skills

The distinction between hard skills and soft skills has become more critical than ever in the rapidly evolving job market. Both sets of skills contribute significantly to a person’s career success, but they serve different purposes and are developed in distinct ways.  Understanding the nuances between hard and soft skills can help individuals tailor their …

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Understanding Bereavement Leave

Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave, an essential provision in many employment policies, is a compassionate acknowledgment by employers of the need for time to grieve.  In the challenging moments following the loss of an immediate family member or loved one, navigating through one’s professional obligations while mourning can seem overwhelming.  This guide explores bereavement leave, its importance, and …

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Understanding Disparate Treatment in the Workplace

Disparate Treatment

Disparate treatment discrimination in the workplace is a critical issue that affects many employees and employers across various industries. This discrimination occurs when an individual is treated differently based on certain protected characteristics, such as race, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, or disability. Unlike disparate impact discrimination, which deals with policies that apply …

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Ineffective Communication Examples

Ineffective Communication

One of the best ways to learn about a topic is through examples; ineffective communication is no different. Unfortunately, many people struggle to identify ineffective communication because the examples they have been given are either too obvious, unhelpful, or so specific to a situation that they are not replicable in the real world. Because of …

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Furlough Vs. Layoff: The Difference for Employees

Furlough Vs. Layoff

In the ever-changing landscape of employment, two terms frequently arise during economic downturns or organizational restructuring: furlough vs layoff. While they may seem synonymous to the untrained eye, there are critical distinctions between the two that can significantly impact employees’ lives and future employment prospects. This blog post will examine the differences between furloughs and layoffs, …

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What Is Furlough? What You Need To Know

What Is Furlough

What Is Furlough? In the complicated, shifting, modern job market, the term “furlough” has gained prominence, especially in times of economic downturns or global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. While it’s a term that many might have come across, its implications and nuances can often seem complex to furloughed employees. This post aims to …

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