Disadvantages of Arbitration: A Closer Look

Disadvantages of Arbitration

Arbitration proceedings are often touted as a fantastic alternative to resolving legal disputes; however, there are disadvantages to arbitration that can make it the wrong choice for a dispute for various reasons. Understanding how arbitration may not fit a situation or case can help parties make the best decision regarding the dispute resolution mechanisms.  It …

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Mediation vs Arbitration: What is the Difference

Mediation vs Arbitration

Mediation and arbitration are found within the alternative dispute resolution sphere because they offer ways to resolve disputes outside the traditional litigation process.  However, the procedures are very different.  Each system presents its benefits and challenges, and neither system is truly superior to the other.  Understanding how and when to use each process is vital …

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Understanding the Benefits of Caucus Mediation

Caucus Mediation

When parties have difficulty discussing the issues with the other party in the room, the mediator may decide to move to caucus mediation. Caucuses can be a powerful tool in mediation, but some downsides need to be considered when considering a caucus. The mediator’s style will also impact when caucuses are used. Some mediators begin mediation …

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Morton’s Resolution Model: Conflict is Good

Morton’s Resolution Model

The idea that conflict will have either constructive or destructive results is the main thesis behind Morton Deutch’s The Resolution of Conflict. Deutch’s 1973 work paved the way for much further sociological and psychological research on the effects of conflict and how it can influence our lives. Understanding this model can be key to working with …

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Understanding The Integrative Negotiation Style

Integrative Negotiation

While it is not a new concept, integrative negotiation is a tool that may feel new to some negotiators. When negotiations are starting to fall apart, and the parties seem to be making little progress toward an agreement, taking an integrative approach to negotiation may help the parties find common ground or a place where …

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Negative Sum Games: Situations That Destroy Value

Negative sum games – what does it mean? While most people attend a mediation or negotiation hoping to walk away with the most possible value, when the goodwill between the parties breaks down, they may leave the table with little to nothing to show for their work.  When both parties leave the table feeling as …

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Positional Bargaining Explained

Positional Bargaining

Parties preparing for negotiation may need the term “positional bargaining” explained. Positional bargaining is a negotiation strategy used to drive the bargain and attempt to secure a possible value from a bargaining session. Many people view bargaining as a harsh and poor form of negotiation. While this style of negotiation often results in win-lose situations …

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Power Imbalance: How Factoring in Power Works

Imbalance of Power

The factors that contribute to power imbalance are often complex and difficult to notice daily, but over time, they contribute to an unhealthy dynamic if they are not addressed.  Imbalances of power can be found in every relationship, from our most vulnerable and trusted relationships with partners and best friends to workplaces or even in …

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What is a Contingent Contract? The Pros & Cons

What is a Contingent Contract?

A contingent contract may sound like an oxymoron, as the finality of contracts is often emphasized. Still, the flexibility of negotiating contingent agreements can help keep a contract intact, even if the parties’ position changes. Negotiating the terms of a contract can be difficult, and when the parties cannot reach an agreement because of something …

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Scheduling Conflict: How to Identify & Avoid

Scheduling Conflict

A scheduling conflict occurs when two or more activities or events are planned for the same period, making it impossible for an individual or a team to attend both. Schedule conflicts are a common issue in professional settings, where meetings, deadlines, and tasks often overlap. A scheduling conflict can also occur in personal life, with …

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