Justice vs. Fairness: Analyzing the Differences

Justice vs. Fairness

Justice and fairness have been at the forefront of our minds this year in the United States. The country has been facing increased calls for justice and fairness for all Americans, regardless of the color of their skin or other characteristics. As the year has continued, many people have had to shift their ideas of …

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Binding Mediation: An Affordable ADR Option

Binding mediation combines elements of mediation and arbitration to help parties resolve disputes effectively and efficiently. It is often called mediation arbitration or med-arb. In this process, the parties agree to submit the dispute to mediation. Still, if an agreement cannot be reached, the mediator becomes an arbitrator, issues a decision on damages, and binds the …

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Morton’s Resolution Model: Conflict is Good

Morton’s Resolution Model

The idea that conflict will have either constructive or destructive results is the main thesis behind Morton Deutch’s The Resolution of Conflict. Deutch’s 1973 work paved the way for much further sociological and psychological research on the effects of conflict and how it can influence our lives. Understanding this model can be key to working with …

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Siege Mentality: An In-Depth Look

Siege Mentality

The siege mentality has become more apparent and more discussed as of late with the current political climate in the United States and many other countries. Understanding what siege mentality is, what causes siege mentality, and its effects on a personal and societal level can be beneficial for anyone trying to navigate life as we …

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International Regimes | Better Understand People Across the Globe


What is the concept of international regimes? Let’s dive right in! With the rise of technology and the movement toward globally connected societies, there has been a need for some kind of international organization between countries on infrastructure and resource distribution.  This is where the concept of international regimes finds itself.  The study of international …

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Peace Palace in The Hague

Peace Palace in The Hague

by Mikita Weaver I recently visited the Peace Palace in The Hague.  The structure and layout of the building is a testament to its unique purpose.  Andrew Carnegie contributed the funds to build the palace under two conditions: that it contain the largest international law library in the world, and that each member country contribute …

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Two Sides to Every Story When Cultures Collide

When Cultures Collide

By Mikita Weaver “The problem here is that there are two competing narratives of the history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and they are both true – and they don’t meet!” ~Israel Politican Naomi Chazan Growing up as a kid and getting in arguments with my sisters, I always found it amazing how different my version …

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Negotiation in Practice at Camp David Summit

Israeli Palestine Conflict

By Ali Arif Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is one of the longest running disputes in modern history.  It is a very complex issue which can be traced back to ancient times.  The issue can be analyzed from a geopolitical, religious, cultural, military, diplomatic as well as countless other angles.  However, this paper will focus on …

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Association for Conflict Resolution 2011 Peacemaker Award

In 2011, the late Tim Pownall on behalf of the PACIS project in faith-based diplomacy accepted the 2011 Peacemaker Award given each year by the Association for Conflict Resolution. The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) is an organization committed to awareness of conflict resolution in the public. ACR’s vision is that “All people know their …

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Searching for Truth in a World of Lies and Misconceptions

Searching for Truth

By Howard Stern Using Education to Reach Resolution in Palestinian-Israeli Conflict When I started out as a mediator, I soon learned that parties don’t always tell the truth and parties do not always disclose all the facts of a case. Only by exploring areas where the parties don’t want to go, do I find underlying …

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