Real Estate Arbitration: A Quick Guide

Real Estate Arbitration

How to prepare for a real estate arbitration? When problems arise in buying or selling real estate, many participants have started to turn to real estate arbitration and mediation.  Buying and selling real estate is a big decision, whether it is a family home or a giant corporate center.  Negotiating and agreeing on a price …

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AAA Construction Rules

AAA Construction Rules

When a dispute arises during a construction project, the parties may use the AAA Construction Rules, which cover arbitration and mediation procedures for construction disputes governed by the American Arbitration Association.  It allows the parties to a dispute to attempt to resolve their disagreement without going through a trial and litigating the dispute in front …

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Avoiding Construction Liens

Avoiding Construction Liens

The excitement and joy of building a new home can quickly be overshadowed by a construction lien, or as it is more commonly known, a mechanic’s lien. Construction liens exist because it guarantees that a contractor will be paid for the work and materials that they put into a home or building. It allows a …

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