Guilt Vs. Shame: Understanding the Differences

Guilt vs Shame

We must realize each emotion separately to understand the subtle nuances between guilt vs. shame. Guilt and shame are powerful negative emotions that profoundly influence our thoughts, behaviors, and overall mental well-being. While these emotions are often used interchangeably, they have distinct characteristics and effects. For instance, guilt doesn’t often lead to the low self-esteem …

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Bird Nesting Divorce: The Shuttle Parenting

Bird Nesting Divorce

Bird nesting divorce is a way that couples have sought to lessen the effects of divorce on their children.  Divorce is often a time of stress and change for both the couple and their children.  Often one of the changes that the couple needs to grow into is the separate living situations, which can often …

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Emotional Abuse in the Workplace

Emotional abuse in the workplace

Emotional abuse in the workplace is a phenomenon that affects many workers around the world.  For those suffering from workplace abuse, life can become incredibly difficult or impossible, turning dream jobs into nightmares. Psychological abuse can be vicious because it can be difficult to detect if it is not blatant, much like adults may not understand …

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Intergroup Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions

Causes, Consequences, and Solutions for Intergroup Conflict

Intergroup conflict might arise in any workplace as various groups work together to support and further the mission and collective interests of the company. Some groups are defined by job title—the accountants, the lawyers, and the marketing team. Other groups are defined by project or subject area. Still, others may be determined by the level in the company …

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Practical Examples of Emotional Intelligence

Examples of Emotional Intelligence

For those of us who need them, here are some practical examples of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence, also known as emotional quotient, is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. High emotional intelligence is an asset in so many situations, both professionally and …

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Siege Mentality: An In-Depth Look

Siege Mentality

The siege mentality has become more apparent and more discussed as of late with the current political climate in the United States and many other countries. Understanding what siege mentality is, what causes siege mentality, and its effects on a personal and societal level can be beneficial for anyone trying to navigate life as we …

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How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

How To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence? First, let’s find out what it is. Emotional Intelligence (EI), sometimes referred to as Emotional Quotient (EQ), is a person’s ability to recognize, understand, manage, and reason with emotions. It is a critical skill set that helps us communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Emotionally …

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Meaning of Confrontational in Dispute Resolution

Confrontational meaning

When learning about conflict and dispute resolution, it can be difficult to understand the definition of “confrontational.”  Everyone will have their own idea of what confrontation is and its uses. Some negative, and some positive. Defining the term “confrontational” can be difficult but thinking about the basic characteristics that are present in a confrontational interaction …

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Healthy Relationship Rules

Relationship rules

For those of us seeking healthy and fulfilling relationships, there are a few basic relationship rules that we should know and practice. Navigating the complex world of relationships can often be a challenging. But with the help of these certain universal rules, we can build and maintain deeply meaningful and lasting relationships. In this blog …

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