Conflict Consciousness

Conflict Consciousness

By Mikita Weaver In 2010, Uganda was usurped in a conflict regarding anti-homosexual legislation and a clause mandating the death penalty. Rwanda contemplated criminalizing homosexuality until rapid-fire global campaign spread via internet forcing Paul Kagame’s government to announce that they would not be intervening in the private lives of its citizens.  Today, Malawi faces the …

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Negotiation in Practice at Camp David Summit

Israeli Palestine Conflict

By Ali Arif Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is one of the longest running disputes in modern history.  It is a very complex issue which can be traced back to ancient times.  The issue can be analyzed from a geopolitical, religious, cultural, military, diplomatic as well as countless other angles.  However, this paper will focus on …

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Searching for Truth in a World of Lies and Misconceptions

Searching for Truth

By Howard Stern Using Education to Reach Resolution in Palestinian-Israeli Conflict When I started out as a mediator, I soon learned that parties don’t always tell the truth and parties do not always disclose all the facts of a case. Only by exploring areas where the parties don’t want to go, do I find underlying …

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When a union laborer feels that their employer violates their contract, they often face the process of filing a grievance. Unfortunately, this process can often feel overwhelming and discouraging in workplaces, so many instances go unreported. For this reason, this article attempts to explain the grievance process to better aid laborers in the steps to …

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AAA Environmental Training

AAA Environmental Training

The web of American environmental laws:  Though he is usually remembered for other things, Richard Nixon was in some ways our most environmentally friendly president. Most observers mark the September 1962 publication of marine biologist Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (warning about the environmental damage done by synthetic pesticides like DDT) as the beginning of the …

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Oath in the Courtroom-Nothing but the Truth

Most people have watched a witness stand, raise their right hand, and state the oath in the courtroom before giving their testimony, either in person or by watching a show about the court.  A lot of people could probably recite the oath from memory as well.  Yet many people may not understand the purpose of …

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Same Sex Custody Cases

Same Sex Custody Cases

While the rights of gay and lesbian couples to marry were expanded by the Supreme Court in 2015, there are still many issues when it comes to same-sex custody cases.  Cases, where the parents of a child are of the same gender, can have a variety of unique issues that the Courts will have to …

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New York Convention Arbitration

New York Convention Arbitration

The New York Arbitration Convention is the leading piece of international law governing the enforcement of arbitral awards internationally.  Every arbitration award that has been granted from one foreign state to another has likely interacted with the New York Convention in some way.  Formally called the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral …

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Class Action Arbitration: The Legality and Related Waiver Clauses

Class Action Arbitration

One of the most bitterly contested issues in arbitration law over the last twenty years is the legality of class action arbitration and waivers thereof.  Professor Elizabeth Tippett calls it the $100 million dollar question for Uber, referring to that company’s high-stakes employee misclassification litigation under wage and hour laws. Of course, Uber isn’t the …

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Jewish Mediation: Historical Insights

Jewish Mediation

Jewish mediation has a long tradition within the religion.  The tradition values peace and law together and sees the value of treating disputes with care and consideration for the other party.  Judaism sees the value that compromise may add to a dispute, but also understands that there are certain limitations on mediations. Because of this, …

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