How to Fire an Employee without Getting Sued

Fire an Employee - ADR Times

By Eric M. Epstein, Esq. I’ve practiced employment law for more than 35 years, representing both employees and employers. I‘ve also been selected as an Arbitrator in more than 50 employment arbitrations. As a result of this experience, I have come to recognize common factors that often precipitate wrongful termination cases.  While there’s no way …

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Arbitrating Employment Disputes 

Arbitrating Employment Disputes 

Employment arbitration statistics show that arbitration is on the rise as a mechanism to resolve employment disputes.  However, this process has received criticism from employees and those who protect them because it can provide an unfair advantage to employers and may remove the rights of employees to use the courts to resolve their dispute.  The …

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A New Model of Intra-Corporate Conflict Resolution

Corporate Conflict Resolution

By William A. Ratliff Executive turnover is costly.  Signing bonuses, search fees, severance packages, and much more bring estimates of the turnover cost of a “C-suite” employee to $1.5 million. Consulting firms estimate the cost at 1.5 to 3 times annual salary, or more. Yet executives don’t always mesh well.  Personality clashes, disagreements on corporate …

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Unleashing The Healing Benefits of an Effective Workplace Investigation

Unleashing The Healing Benefits of an Effective Workplace Investigation

By Nedy Warren, Esq. SPHR The average working American devotes more time to work than to family, leisure, or even sleep. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, time spent working beats time spent sleeping by an entire hour. Given the amount of time and energy we spend at work—plus the fact that conflict is …

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7 Significant Steps to Prevent Employee Litigation

Prevent Employee Litigation

By Terri Lubaroff Problems, Problems Everywhere… Anyone who has ever worked as corporate counsel knows it ain’t easy. Corporate counsel has to deal with lawsuits, human resources, risk management, internal politics, and an ever-changing landscape of compliance landmines.  To make matters worse, the higher-ups do what they want, when they want… and then they come …

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When a union laborer feels that their employer violates their contract, they often face the process of filing a grievance. Unfortunately, this process can often feel overwhelming and discouraging in workplaces, so many instances go unreported. For this reason, this article attempts to explain the grievance process to better aid laborers in the steps to …

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AAA Environmental Training

AAA Environmental Training

The web of American environmental laws:  Though he is usually remembered for other things, Richard Nixon was in some ways our most environmentally friendly president. Most observers mark the September 1962 publication of marine biologist Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring (warning about the environmental damage done by synthetic pesticides like DDT) as the beginning of the …

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