Mediation vs. Litigation: What is the Difference

mediation vs litigation

When facing a legal dispute, one consideration that has to be made is whether to choose mediation vs litigation to settle it. Alternative dispute resolution such as mediation is less costly but there are many reasons to choose the litigation process. Comparing the two processes will often result in a lot of differences, and the …

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Responding to the Types of Workplace Conflict

Types of Workplace conflict

The types of workplace conflict are universal, but the conflict resolution steps vary.  When conflicts arise, these workplace conflicts can result in decreased productivity and interfere with the culture of the team, the general work environment, or the company as a whole. Conflict in the workplace needs to be addressed quickly and efficiently to ensure …

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Mastering the Art of Competitive Negotiation

Competitive Negotiation

Have you ever considered why the competitive negotiation style is sometimes a better option than other negotiation styles like the collaborative negotiation style or the compromising negotiation style? Negotiation is a critical skill in both personal and professional life. In the business world, one common form of negotiation is competitive negotiation. It’s an approach where …

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Hostage Negotiator Training

Most of us have only been exposed to hostage negotiations through movies and television shows, but the reality of the practice can only be experienced when we enter hostage negotiation training. Hostage negotiators, also known as crisis negotiators or a crisis negotiation team, are the first responders called in hostage situations or other difficult situations …

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Limits of Confidentiality

limits of confidentiality

While many of the legal and other professional fields love to highlight the benefits of confidentiality, many of them fail to point out the limits of confidentiality.  Understanding these limits is a vital aspect of sharing your information and keeping your information confidential. Without a clear understanding of when confidentiality will not apply and confidentiality …

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Privacy vs Confidentiality: What is the Difference?

Privacy vs Confidentiality

Privacy and confidentiality are words that are used often and interchangeably in the legal and dispute resolution world, yet there are key differences between the terms that are important to understand.  Just what these differences are and how they affect information is a concept that is sometimes overlooked when engaging in a legal dispute.  Many legal and alternative dispute …

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Face Negotiation Theory in Action

Face Negotiation Theory

Let’s take a deeper look into Face Negotiation Theory. Have you ever been in a negotiation or conversation with someone where you suddenly notice yourself taking on a defensive stance to protect yourself? Maybe you have been more willing to give in a negotiation to help the other person or preserve what you believe the …

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Anchoring Negotiation

Anchoring in Negotiation

When does anchoring negotiation appear? How much to pay to settle a dispute or anchor price to purchase an item or settle a dispute is one of the most important decisions to be made before the negotiation process begins. A great many factors will influence the decision.  Someone considering settlement will take into account, among …

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Calibrated Questions: What You Need To Know

Calibrated Questions

Calibrated questions are a powerful tool to uncover deep insights and drive meaningful conversations. Invented by Marshall Goldsmith, a world-renowned executive coach, and author, calibrated questions are designed to help people reflect on their own behavior and beliefs. Unlike typical questions, calibrated questions are crafted to be both open-ended and constructed in a way that …

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